Poor People Gagal karena Selalu Menunggu

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Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba dot com berkata "Orang yang paling buruk untuk dilayani adalah Poor People.''

Dikasih gratis, dipikir mau nipu.
Dikasih tau investasi nya kecil, bilangnya hasilnya kecil.
Dikasih yang investnya besar, eh bilangnya tidak ada uang.
Dikasih tau untuk mencoba hal baru, bilang nya tidak punya pengalaman.
Dikasih tau bisnis tradisional, dibilang susah.
Dikasih tau model bisnis baru, dibilang MLM.
Dikasi tau buka toko, dibilang ga bebas.

Poor People punya kesamaan..

Mereka suka bertanya ke google..
Mendengarkan teman yang sama susahnya dengan mereka..
Mereka berpikir lebih banyak dari profesor dan bertindak lebih sedikit dari orang buta...
Coba tanya mereka,

"apa yg bisa mereka lakukan"

Mereka tidak akan bisa menjawab

Dapat kita simpulkan:

Daripada jantung Anda berdetak lebih kencang, kenapa bukan mengambil lebih banyak tindakan
Daripada cuman dipikirin terus, kenapa tidak mencoba sesuatu..

Poor People gagal karena punya 1 sifat yang sama :
Hidup mereka selalu menunggu... 
''Broke is temporary, Poor is state of mind''.

(Pesan ini dikirim ke pak Stevie Lengkong dari pak Budiman Tjahyadikarta Owner Trixten Crypto)

Budiman Tjahyadikarta and Stevie Lengkong
Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba dot com said: "The worst to be served is a Poor People. ''

Given free, think like deceiving.
Given tau investment is small, the results bilangnya small.
Given the large investnya, eh told you no money.
Given tau to try new things, says it does not have the experience.
Given tau traditional business, practically difficult.
Given tau new business models, arguably MLM.
Dikasi tau open a shop, practically free ga.

Poor People have in common ..

They like to ask to google ..
Listening to friends who just as hard with them ..
They think more of professors and act less than a blind man ...
Just ask them,

"What can they do?"

They will not be able to answer

We can conclude:

Instead of your heart beat faster, why not take more action
Instead cuman dipikirin continue, why not try something ..

Poor People fail because they have one thing in common:
Their lives are always waiting ...
you may order to me, phone and whatsapp = +6285213118462, email :

 STEVIE LENGKONG, The Multi Talented Trainer Motivator

 Stevie Lengkong the Multi Talented Trainer Motivator from Indonesia

Blog, Updated at: 23.47

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